Salary for Teachers

With salary for teachers rising in the recent scenario, it is no wonders that more and more people are running after this lucrative profession. It is no longer a myth anymore that the teachers are paid at par with any other profession. In fact, the average remuneration for the teachers could exceed that of the many other professions.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has surveyed out that the average salary for teachers in the kindergarten section as well as the secondary schools, varies between $47,040 and $52,500 a year. However, these are just glimpses of the US median. A closer glance at the salary structure in metros like New York City would reflect the surmise of dollars spent on the teachers. In New York, the average salary for teachers is around $71,000 and even more, while in New Jersey, teachers salary extends to a mighty $60,000 a year, depending on the kindergarten or the middle and higher divisions.

However, a survey in certain parts of USA shows that the salary for teachers is partly dependent on the cost of living of the particular area in which the institution is situated. For example, in Montana and Arkansas, the remuneration revolves round $40,000 a year.

As mentioned earlier, the average salary for teachers often go far beyond that of many other professions, like that of the accountants, architects, engineers, fashion designers, medical scientists, amongst others. Even some of the computer professionals and Internet experts too earn less than the teachers.

In addition to enjoying a handsome salary, the teachers are also at an advantage of savoring various other facilities. A full-time teacher has to work an average of 36.5 hours a week, however, with the average school session limited to less than 200 working days, the entire package becomes all the more attractive for them.

Additionally, the teachers are provided with a number of beneficiary programs, such as medical and life insurance, along with a sound retirement and pension program. Moreover, the teachers can also opt for private tuitions after the school hours, or administering and grading placement exams, or coaching summer school programs. However, the average salary for teachers depends on their qualification and skills of teaching.