Suggestions for math teacher
Math teachers should comply by certain rules, when imparting knowledge about the practical details of the subject. Math is a very delicate subject. A little mistake can get you to the heck of much greater problems. Therefore, teachers of math should be patient and understanding when teaching the children. The teachers must avoid scolding for little mistakes, instead they should let allow the children to think and make honest efforts. It is better for the students to lag behind, than to leap and fall back. Hence, the teachers of math should enable the students to progress at their own pace.
Teachers of math should keep one thing in mind that the classrooms is attentive while he/she is teaching math. Also, make them follow class works and give sufficient home works to keep track of the student’s progress. Since, math is a rigid topic, hence try to be flexible as much as possible. Test the progress of the students at regular intervals. “Front loading” is a very popular technique, which motivates children to learn at the beginning of the year, instead of stocking lessons for the year-end and rushing through the topics without understanding.
Math Teachers – Know a few important things
All the highly qualified Math teachers should have a bachelor’s degree to their credit, state certification and profound knowledge of the subject. Most important of all, a math teacher should have the proper knowledge about math concepts, to teach the children on the right track. Remember that, your qualification will determine your income level.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress holds the authority to determine the importance of well-trained teachers of the math subject for the schools. A survey reveals that those students, who are taught by teachers with mathematics education degree or only mathematics degree, are said to excel in the subject in the long run.
Hence, math teachers themselves should be honored by rich education so that, more and more students are inclined towards the so-called ‘boring’ subject.