The uniforms in schools are the distinctively designed clothes worn by school pupils. The uniforms in schools are aimed for the undifferentiated identification of pupils. The uniforms in schools nowadays are important part of School dress codes and uniform policies, which determine the type of uniforms in schools.
There are several styles of uniforms in schools, which include traditional school uniforms, western school uniforms, japanese school uniforms, public school uniforms, catholic school uniforms, etc. Generally, the uniforms in schools are classifies as boys’ school uniforms and girls’ school uniforms. The boys’ uniforms in schools may include dark pants, light-colored shirt, tie, belt, cap, shoes, and a jacket in cold weather, and the girls’ uniforms in schools may include skirt or kilt, blouse or shirt, tie, belt, cap, shoes, and a jacket in cold weather.
The uniforms in schools of Japan are an established part of Japanese life. Introducing the Western-style uniforms in schools in the late 19th century, Japan presently has traditional as well as the Western-system of uniforms in schools. Malaysia introduced the Western style uniforms in schools in the late 19th century during British colonial era until post-independence. Today, the public and private school systems in Malaysia have uniforms in schools universally.
The South Korean schools have strict rules regarding uniforms in schools. The South Korean secondary education students wear uniform called “Gyobok;” some private elementary schools, kindergartens and most of the public/private middle, high schools have uniforms in schools.
The New Zealand intermediate and high schools follow the British system of uniforms in schools. The public (state-sponsored) schools in the continental Europe do not require uniforms in schools; however, there are strict dress codes on uniforms in schools that are private. In United Kingdom & Ireland, the uniforms in schools are usually formal looking. Malta necessarily requires uniforms in schools. In Philippine, the uniforms in schools (Elementary and High School) and a few colleges are pretty common. Israeli schools follow the norm of uniforms in schools.
Most public schools in the United States and Canada do not require uniforms in schools, but the schools usually have strict rules against indecent or offensive clothing. However, private schools in the United States, particularly Catholic schools have uniforms in schools.