Spectrum Math

Spectrum math, as the name suggests is a wide series that incorporates easy-to-follow instructions that allow students to build a staunch foundation in the subject. Essentially, it deals with skill development, problem solving technique, Math computation and problem solving skills. The whole idea is to enable the students to grow a proper idea in the subject so that they can drive away the fear in the same and score excellently.

What is the Spectrum mathematics all about?

The Spectrum Math contains 150-page workbook that covers everything to ensure that you learn the subject with dexterity. It contains practice pages, pretest, problem-solving pages and answer keys. Each Spectrum Mathematics book comes with a handy Sequence reference chart for the students.

Spectrum Math is for the different grades, so that the subject is designed and shelved out according to the learning ability of the students. At the top of each page, a section on Developmental exercise introduces you to new skills in math. You will get many concise and consecutive workbooks that review one concept at a time throughout a page. On each page, you will get two sections – starting with a pretest and ends with a chapter test. The good news is that Spectrum Mathematics is available for all the grade levels.

A Few Examples what the grades include

The grade-I Spectrum Mathematics includes the basic skills to enable children master the basics of the functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, metric measurement, calendar, time, numeration and so on. The Grade-6 follows the same basic skills, thus enabling students to master the Math fundamentals. The Math spectrum of Grade-6 includes standards-driven Math instruction, chapter-test, chapter-pre-tests, final tests, mid-book tests, assignment record sheet, record of test score sheets, answer key and much more.

Again for instance, the grade-7 spectrum Math has a complete coverage of helping the students to learn the art of mastering the Math skills. It also offers the basic skills in fractions, whole numbers, decimals, interest, ratio and proportions and much more. The Spectrum Mathematics includes over 180 pages in it.

Thus, it can be said that Spectrum Math is customized in particular way to complement the learning habits of students of all levels. It introduces the subject from a much easier perspective thus allowing the students to grasp the subject with more understandability and skills.