Money Games

If your kids are completely fascinated with coins and bills of money, just provide money games and see the smile on their faces. Counting money through money games is undoubtedly an innovative activity where your kids can learn about money, coins and bills work. It is only through the coin identification game that you can teach your kids the differences between one coin and other.

You will also find some excellent interactive online games that will help your kids to count money. Some free online resources that are available are both educational and sportive. It’s only through these games your children can know the skills of handling and exchanging money for goods and services.

Magic Of Money Games

Money games not only teach your child the coin identification but also other important lessons that are applicable in real life. These new innovative games can help your child learn about the basic difference between money, coins and bills. Here’s a list of 3 different money games:

– The money Bingo game is really an inspiring one for the kids. The main objective of this money bingo is to fill up the bingo card. If there is more than one child in the game then the child fill up the card first will be the winner. It teaches us how to purchase something using the right amount of money and giving it to someone in exchange for goods and services. The play pressure of this game can help your kids to acquire the skills of handling and exchanging money.

– The coin identification game is another challenging game that teaches your child the basic differences between one coin and another. It is all about naming a coin. Just name the coin and ask your child to repeat the name and put it in jar. Then add another challenge by naming the coin and asking the child to give the other name for it. This way you can help your child to learn the basic coin identification.

– Another innovative game is Price tag game. The objective of this game is to match the item to its price. It teaches the child, how to buy goods with money. Here a child reads the price on the item and identifying that price tag, he has to select the coins from piles and match that exact amount.

Online Money Game Is Happening

Online money games are becoming real friends of children who love business. The free online resources that are available are both educational as well as fun-filled. Here are some handpicked online money games:

Piggybank is a fun interactive game that deals with the proper selection of coins and clicking on the right one and then adding them together for some specified amount to reach your goal.
Money flash card is another interactive money games with dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies shown on the screen. Here you have to count the money inputting your answer and this will let you know whether you are right or wrong.
How many cents? It is another challenging game that sounds strange but interesting enough. Here coins under $ 1.00 are displayed. Adding these coins if you find your answers correct then you will get a new question and if it proves incorrect then you have to try it again.

Learn to count money is an engaging game that helps you pick the difficulty level by the number of coins displayed and their denominations. Though its bit difficult to distinguish some coins apart but for your convenience you can hit the hit button to make it easy.

To conclude, counting money through money games is an innovative and interactive way through which your kids can learn about the real value of money. It’s only through these money games your children can know the skills of handling and exchanging money for goods and services.