Early Childhood Teachers

Early childhood teachers work with children within a classroom setting and they have two main things to do. They deal with the academic, social, emotional and physiological preparation of a child during infancy and they give proper care and protection to the child especially when a primary care giver is not there. However, an early childhood teacher is known by other names too – early childhood professional, early childhood educator, early childhood practitioner, early childhood provider and early childhood care giver. In certain cases, they are even known as babysitters.

Early childhood teachers should properly respect the social and cultural background of a child and start on with the education. Irrespective of cast, creed and religion, the teachers should deal with all children equally and help them to learn and act better in life. If necessary then early childhood teachers should join with parents and help in promoting parenting cognition, parenting attainments, accompanying parents in instructional decisions, trying to join a link between home/school and exhorting for increased parent participation.

Apart from working with the parents early childhood teachers at time also need to work with other responsible adults like other teachers, eminent community figures, expert professionals, politicians and skillful administrators of the social strata.

It is essential that the early childhood teacher has knowledge on how to make the best use of the recourses. The teacher should share and interact with other teachers for imparting the right sort of education to a child. Organizations such as National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) help the early childhood teachers to meet with each other for the proper evaluation and enrichment of individual knowledge.

How can a teacher contribute in shaping the field of early childhood education?

The teacher can do this by communicating with the administrator, the principal or child center director. An early childhood teacher should inform the administrator the kind of changes they expect in this particular field. Based upon their suggestions and opinions the administrator will take further decisions for the welfare and betterment of the educational system.

What sort of training do early childhood teachers generally receive?

In United States of America, the teachers can learn in three particular ways – by earning an undergraduate degree in early childhood education or child development – by acquiring an associate degree in similar fields – by processing and exhibiting ability through a competency-based appraisal system like the National Child Development Associate (CDA) curriculum.

Remember, a lion’s share of a child’s progress depends on the efficiency and capability of early childhood teachers and so the educational status of the tutors does matter a lot.