Challenge Activites

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To get started:

First read the profile on Harriet

Next, make yourself a glowing star chart, by
following the simple
. You are going to travel along the chart until
you reach the end. There are 5 more activities to complete on the way.

Put a marker on the first star ~ a post-it note is


Activity 5

The last activity is a little different. It is a writing assignment. Write one of the following:
A biography of a great African American. Include your reasons for choosing this person.
A poem about racism and tolerance.
A short essay on the destructive nature of racism and why we should work to stamp it out.

Congratulations, you have finished! You may contact us in order to pick up your certificate of completion.
Email directly or leave a message on the

You may move your marker to the sixth star once this
activity is completed.

Activity 4

Read about Sidney Poitier.

Now make a collage showing racism AND tolerance. You could use pictures of race riots, signs showing segregation and some of the marches from the 60’s for the racism side. For the tolerance side try to find pictures showing mixed marriages, kids of all races working or playing together, and perhaps some mixed sports teams. Use your imagination!


You may move your marker to the fifth star once this
activity is completed.


Activity 3

Read about Patricia Cowings.

Print out and make this model of a space shuttle.


You may move your marker to the fourth star once this activity is completed.


Activity 2

Another page to read about the drinking

This time YOU have to be creative.
Try and make a drinking dipper. You could try using a tin can and stick, or a
yogurt pot and stick. You may like to cover it with paper mache. Whatever you
do, be sure that an adult considers it safe, and is supervising. Then get your
helper to post to the forum, telling us how you got on.


You may move your marker to the third star once this
activity is completed.


Activity 1

Read about the drinking gourd song. 

Following the instruction for making a
, make a
glossary for that page.

It will not be like a normal
glossary. You need to use the definitions the slaves used.  

Include these words: 

  • Drinking
  • Old
  • Great river
  • Little
  • Left
    foot, peg foot

You may move your marker to the second star once this
activity is completed.